PIC 40A Demo - PHP Tester

A PHP Tester. You could copy and paste the following code there.
Normally, we'll use PHP to inject into HTML.
Here, to demonstrate some basics of how the language works,
we'll inject into a text file instead.
echo 'We are using PHP version ', phpversion(), "\n\n\n";

/* All variable names begin with a $.
   There are four scalar types:
   boolean, integer, double, string. */
$b = true;
$i = 8;
$d = 2.8;
$s = 'internet';

echo "VARIABLES\n";
echo "$b $i $d $s\n";
echo gettype($b), ' ', gettype($i), ' ', gettype($d), ' ', gettype($s), "\n";
var_dump($b, $i, $d, $s);
echo "\n\n";

echo "QUOTES\n";
echo 'With single quotes these are the only escape characters: \', \\', "\n";
echo "With double quotes we have: \", \$, \nand variables are evaluated: $i\n\n\n";

$b1 = true;
$b2 = True;
$b3 = false;
$b4 = False;
echo "BOOLEANS\n";
echo "$b1 $b2 $b3 $b4\n";
echo "true gets echoed as 1\n";
echo "false does not get echoed\n";
echo $b1 === $b2, ' ', $b3 === $b4, "\n";

$s = true;
$t = false;

$r1 = $s && $t; // processed the same as $r1 = ($s && $t);
$r2 = $s and $t; // processed the same as ($r2 = $s) and $t;

if (!$r1) { echo '$r1 is false'; }
echo "\n";

if ($r2) { echo '$r2 is true'; }
echo "\n\n\n";

// +, -, *, /, %, ++, --, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
// all exist.

// / is surprisingly interesting.
$i = 2;
$j = 4;
$k = $i / $j;
$o = $i / $i;

echo "NUMBERS\n";
echo "$k $o \n";
echo gettype($k), ' ', gettype($o), "\n";

// The mod operators % and %=
// coerce their arguments to integers if not already integers.
$d1 = 2.25;
$d2 = 2.75;
echo $d1 % $d2, "\n\n\n";

echo "STRINGS\n";

$str = 'mathematics';
echo strlen($str), "\n\n";

echo $str[5], "\n";
echo substr($str, 5), "\n\n";

echo strpos($str, 'math'), "\n";
echo strpos($str, 'the'), "\n";

// When strpos fails to find a match, 
// it returns False...
if (strpos($str, 'maths') === false) {
  echo "'maths' is not found in 'mathematics'\n";

// 0 and false can be coerced to one another,
// so watch out for using == accidentally
// when === is more appropriate.
if (strpos($str, 'math') == false) {
  echo "using == causes us to say the following nonsense...\n";
  echo "'math' is not found in 'mathematics'\n";

$s1 = 'conc';
$s2 = 'ate';
$s3 = 'nate';
$s = $s1 . $s2 . $s3;
echo "\n", $s, "\n";

$orig = 'hello world';
$split = explode(' ', $orig);
$join = implode(' ', $split);

echo "$orig\n$join\n\n";

// As well as arrays, we have objects, NULL, and resources.
echo "\n\n";

echo "CONST\n";
const PI = 3.1415926535897932;
echo PI, "\n";

$radius = 8;
$area = PI * $radius * $radius;
echo "radius = $radius, area = $area\n";
