We are using PHP version 5.5.14 VARIABLES 1 8 2.8 internet boolean integer double string bool(true) int(8) float(2.8) string(8) "internet" QUOTES With single quotes these are the only escape characters: ', \ With double quotes we have: ", $, and variables are evaluated: 8 BOOLEANS 1 1 true gets echoed as 1 false does not get echoed 1 1 $r1 is false $r2 is true NUMBERS 0.5 1 double integer 0 STRINGS 11 m matics 0 2 'maths' is not found in 'mathematics' using == causes us to say the following nonsense... 'math' is not found in 'mathematics' concatenate hello world hello world array(2) { [0]=> string(5) "hello" [1]=> string(5) "world" } CONST 3.1415926535898 radius = 8, area = 201.06192982975